Eastern Green Party Archives - Eastern Region Green Party https://eastern.greenparty.org.uk/tag/eastern-green-party/ Building for a greener, fairer and just society Sun, 20 Oct 2024 17:26:32 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.1 Green Steps to a Better Tomorrow https://eastern.greenparty.org.uk/2020/06/26/green-steps-to-a-better-tomorrow/ Fri, 26 Jun 2020 10:57:30 +0000 https://wordpress.greenparty.org.uk/easterntest/?p=913 The 2020 Summer Conference is taking place online, meaning we can bring you more special guest speakers than ever before, from the comfort of your own home! There are also networking opportunities to help you meet other members from across the Eastern Region, and training from your Field Organiser on how you can breakthrough onto […]

The post Green Steps to a Better Tomorrow appeared first on Eastern Region Green Party.

The 2020 Summer Conference is taking place online, meaning we can bring you more special guest speakers than ever before, from the comfort of your own home! There are also networking opportunities to help you meet other members from across the Eastern Region, and training from your Field Organiser on how you can breakthrough onto your local council in 2021.

Just some of the speakers you will be able to meet at the event:

  • Siân Berry, Co-leader of the Green Party of England and Wales
  • Terry Reintke, MEP for Die Grünen (Germany)
  • Jenny Jones, Green Party member of the House of Lords
  • Peter Banks, Blackwater Against New Nuclear Group
  • Catherine Rowett, former MEP for the East of England
  • Molly Scott-Cato, former MEP for the South West of England

Sessions will be recorded and highlights will be made available to members of the Green Party of England and Wales who register for this event.

The Eastern Green Party is people-powered – we are funded by donations from our members. Your donation will go towards running an effective regional party, and targeting to win seats in the 2021 council elections. If you are able to, please include a donation when prompted to when registering for this event at https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/eastern-green-party-summer-conference-2020-tickets-104675244474

The post Green Steps to a Better Tomorrow appeared first on Eastern Region Green Party.
