Norwich Pride Archives - Eastern Region Green Party Building for a greener, fairer and just society Fri, 07 Jul 2023 14:25:51 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 Pride events coming up Fri, 07 Jul 2023 14:25:49 +0000 Pride month may have “officially” come and gone but a number of Eastern Region Pride events have yet to happen. For example will be on 19th August at Cassiobury Park in Watford and takes place on 29th July. Norwich Pride will include the pride march leaving City Hall, Norwich at 1p.m. Both events […]

The post Pride events coming up appeared first on Eastern Region Green Party.

Pride month may have “officially” come and gone but a number of Eastern Region Pride events have yet to happen. For example will be on 19th August at Cassiobury Park in Watford and takes place on 29th July. Norwich Pride will include the pride march leaving City Hall, Norwich at 1p.m. Both events sound to be excellent!

The national LGBTQIA+ Green group –

The post Pride events coming up appeared first on Eastern Region Green Party.
