Julie Howell stands as Cambridgeshire & Peterborough mayoral candidate

In May 2017 Julie Howell will stand as your Green Party candidate in the first ever Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Combined Authority (CPCA) mayoral election. To do this we need your help! We need to raise the £5,000 deposit, which is what it costs to stand a candidate. This huge financial barrier ensures that usually only wealthy people or people with organisations behind them can stand. But we need a Green voice in this election and we know that many people would love to #VoteForJulie.

Why is it vital to be able to #VoteGreen2017 #VoteGreenInSeventeen and to vote for a #GreenMayor?

We are keen that Julie is on the ballot paper because voters have had enough unsustainable and environmentally damaging "growth". Voters  wishes are often ignored and overriden in planning decisions. Voters are fed up with seeing investment and resources funnelled to suit someone else's interest: rather than addressing the needs of their own neglected communities. We need to change a great many things, and start basing our decisions on people and local needs. Take housing, where the needs of many groups of people, whether already housed or looking for more suitable housing are simply not addressed by one size fits all estates and by socially damaging and increasingly divisive policies which haven't adapted since the 1980s. The government is just about to wheel out the same old unsustainable infrastructure-free estates (no space, no schools, no transport, no surgeries). It plans to spread this sort of estate further out onto protected green belt because at first glance it seems easier and cheaper than tackle the complications presented by empty homes and the sites left behind by the old industries in our towns and cities.

If you are looking for someone with the personal qualities and skills to initiate major structural change, including the way we make good policy and quality decisions, you have found Julie. If you want someone you can see is already committed to good infrastructure and excellent public services - including transport - you have found Julie. If you wish you had someone capable of keeping voters fully in the loop,  #VoteJulie: she's extremely good at that. Please give what you can and do what you can to support our campaign to #ElectJulie#JulieForMayor

If we succeed and raise our target of £5,000, then £5,000 will go to fund the deposit.  


But if people decide in numbers to #VoteJulie and we achieve 5% or more of the vote, then our whole deposit will be returned to us. If this happens, the refunded deposit will be used first to defray other campaign costs and any still left over will be used in our next election campaign.

If you select a reward over the value of £60, then all the rewards on offer up to the value of £60 are also included. This set of rewards will be delivered before the election.

With rewards over the value of £60, the main item(s) will require you to liaise with Julie to organise a mutually agreed delivery date or dates after the election. In these cases the likely latest date for delivery is given.

**Before you give, please ensure you are on the UK electoral register - this is a legal requirement of donating to a political party. And you'll need to be on it to vote in May! register here if you're not.**

To help #ElectJulie please go here:

Julies Crowdfunder

Elect Julie Campaign (under construction)

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Thank you.


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