How to Sign up to hear from us
If you wish to sign up to the Eastern Region Green Party email communications then please sign up to your local party and tick yes to be kept up to date with the Eastern Region Green Party and the National Party.
If you are having difficulties signing up to your local party then please email the Eastern Region Membership Secretary.
Over 130 Green councillors in the Eastern Region
Thanks to all our hard working activists and our growing numbers of voters, we now have over 130 Green Party county and district councillors in the Eastern Region. You can see a full list of them here. […]
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By-election in Three Rivers! Help us get another Green elected in Hertfordshire!
A by-election has been called in Abbots Langley & Bedmond – part of the Three Rivers district where we have three councillors already but want to increase this. Our hardworking candidate, Jane Powell is campaigning to win but with polling day on 22nd August, we need your help. If elected, Jane would join Chris Mitchell, Narinder Sian and Cheryl Stungo […]
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Thank you to our Green voters
With your help we did it! A first Green MP for the Eastern Region, with Adrian Ramsay having been elected in Waveney Valley. And four Green MPs in Parliament, speaking up for the environment, their Constituents and for you. And for the change we need to see. Thank you. This result is an incredible breakthrough for the Green Party and […]
Leading the way on climate action
Only Greens have a record of speaking up for action strong enough to tackle the climate change emergency.
Social Justice
Greens are passionate about building a country where everyone has a good quality of life.
Our community
Community is at the heart of everything Greens do.