No new Thames crossing by road

Members of Green Party groups from across the Eastern Region, meeting for their AGM in Norwich last Saturday, voted unanimously to oppose the proposal for a new crossing of the Thames by road.

The meeting had received a first-hand account of the Extinction Rebellion action in London earlier that day, as part of a talk by Professor Rupert Read. He also explained the justification for the non-violent direct action in view of Government failure to address climate change meaningfully, although it was now clearly an emergency.

The meeting was certain that building new bridges and roads could only make matters worse, and unanimously approved a motion to oppose the scheme.

The Eastern Region Green Party is opposed to any new Lower Thames crossing for road traffic, because of the:

  • additional CO2 emissions which would accelerate climate change
  • nitrous oxides, particulate and other polluting emissions, which would worsen air quality which already fails health standards
  • destruction of Green Belt,  wildlife and biodiversity
  • and failure to reduce road traffic congestion

Motion agreed 17/11/18

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