Catherine Rowett bids to become region’s Green MEP

Caroline Lucas - Norwich Greens-10

The Green Party is the East of England’s leading Remain Party and the UK’s biggest pro-European party in the European Parliament.

We can elect a Green MEP for the region, and our lead candidate, Dr Catherine Rowett, aims for success. She is committed to making this a fairer country inside the European Union and says:

“By voting Green you will elect a Green MEP who will fight to keep the UK in the European Union. Green MEPs make a positive difference: for urgent action on the climate emergency and a fairer economy. Vote for a positive future on 23rd May – vote Green.”

Catherine lives in Norwich and is Professor of Philosophy at UEA.  She is a long-term Green Party activist and was the Green Party parliamentary candidate for South Norfolk in 2015 and 2017. She is a keen supporter of collaboration across borders.

If elected to the European Parliament, Catherine looks forward to working with UK Green MEPs, and with Green parties across Europe, to develop EU policies on agriculture, fisheries, taxation, aviation and energy that will tackle the global climate emergency, the rise of nationalism, and its underlying causes, such as inequality.

As Caroline Lucas points out:

“Greens came close in Eastern England last time. We are the region’s strongest pro-Remain party. You can elect a Green MEP for the East this time.”

European Elections use a fair, proportional voting system. The Greens came within 1% of winning a seat in the East last time, beating the LibDems.

Your vote can elect a Green MEP this time.

Greens Can Win.


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