Action Days around the Eastern Region

Please join Green Parties from around the Eastern Region to help with leafleting, Door Knocking, Data Entry and similar jobs to help get Green Councillors elected.

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St Albans By-Election Green Action Afternoon

Saturday, June 03, 2023• 2:00 PM – 7:00 PM

Our councillor Simon Grover has served in St Peter’s ward since 2011. Now we have a fantastic chance to get Juliet Voisey elected to join him in the ward, in a by-election on 13 June. It will be a tough fight against the Lib Dems, but we can do it!

Please sign up at the link below.  Thank you.
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St Albans By-Election Green Action Afternoon

Saturday, June 10, 2023• 2:00 PM – 7:00 PM

On 4 May Cllr Simon Grover was re-elected in St Peter’s ward and we broke through with a second councillor in Clarence ward too – Matt Fisher. Now we have a fantastic chance to get Juliet Voisey elected to join Simon in St Peter’s, in a by-election in June. It will be a tough fight against the Lib Dems, but we can do it!

Please sign up at the link below.  Thank you.
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West Depwade Action Day

Saturday, June 10, 2023•10:15 AM – 3:30 PM

A by-election for Norfolk County Council has been called for the 13th July in West Depwade . This is a valuable opportunity both to get another Green voice on the Norfolk County Council and to kick-start the campaign to get Adrian Ramsay elected as the region’s next MP.

West Depwade is made up of 16 villages between Diss and Wymondham, and this Action Day will focus on Shelfanger, a small village a 10 min drive (20 min bike ride) north of Diss.
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Get Out The Vote on By-Election Day in St Albans

Tuesday, June 13, 2023• 7:00 AM – 10:00 PM

On election day, Tuesday 13 June, we will have people sitting outside polling stations for slots of at least one hour, from 7am to 10pm. And we will have teams going round knocking on our supporters doors reminding them to vote, from 10am to 9.30pm.

Please sign up at the link below.  Thank you.
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