Adrian Ramsay for Waveney Valley

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Who’s adrian ramsay?

Born and brought up in Norwich, Adrian went on to gain a First Class Degree in Politics and Sociology from the University of East Anglia in 2002, where he received an award for his Politics essays. He later gained a Masters’ Degree and has lectured in politics and economics.

Adrian joined the Green Party in 1998 at the age of 16 because he felt the other parties were overlooking environmental issues and were not tackling poverty and animal cruelty. He still feels strongly that the Green Party is the only party with strong and coherent policies on these issues.

As a leading Councillor in Norwich from 2003-2011, Adrian oversaw unprecedented success for the local party seeing it grow rapidly to become the largest Green councillor group in the country at the time.

Adrian was deputy leader of the party from 2008-2012 and played an integral role in the team that saw Caroline Lucas elected as the first Green MP in Brighton Pavilion in 2010.

Adrian has served as the CEO of two national environmental charities, including the Centre for Alternative Technology (CAT) and has worked as a senior lecturer in environmental politics and economics. He currently leads MCS Charitable Foundation which advocates for renewable energy and green homes.

In 2021, Adrian was elected as Co-Leader of the Green Party with Carla Denyer, who’s a city councillor in Bristol.

Adrian is the Green Party’s candidate for Waveney Valley for the next General Election.

Now is the time to take action.

At the General Election, we have the chance to send a clear message that people want change.

Green Party votes send a message to say we want a change in political priorities to tackle widening social inequality and for urgent action on climate change – something we have just 8 years to deal with. Every Green vote sends that message.

You can help change the course of British politics and with more than just your vote. 

By volunteering with the Green Party, you can help us to persuade many more people to join us in sending a message that the status quo is not good enough.

If you wish to sign up to the Eastern Region Green Party email communications then please sign up to your local party and tick yes to be kept up to date with the Eastern Region Green Party and the National Party.  

If you are having difficulties signing up to your local party then please email the Eastern Region Membership Secretary.


A system based on inequality and exploitation is threatening the future of our planet and making the lives of many not as good as they should be. The Greens are the only political party in England and Wales committed to fixing this. And this is how we are going to do it


We believe in being brave, in speaking our minds and together we can do politics differently

We have the most progressive vision for Britain’s place in Europe, and we will always stand up for real democracy