Leading the way on climate
Only Greens have a record of speaking up for action strong enough to tackle the climate change emergency.
Social Justice
Greens are passionate about building a country where everyone has a good quality of life.
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Community is at the heart of everything Greens do.
Latest News
Huntingdonshire Green Party selects candidate for upcoming Town Council by-election
Huntingdonshire Green Party has announced that Catherine Goodman of St. Neots will be the party’s candidate for the upcoming by-election for the St. Neots Eaton Ford ward. Polling day is on Thursday 21st March 2019 between 7am and 10pm. Catherine Goodman, who lives in St. Neots Eynesbury will fight in the election which was brought…
No new Thames crossing by road
Members of Green Party groups from across the Eastern Region, meeting for their AGM in Norwich last Saturday, voted unanimously to oppose the proposal for a new crossing of the Thames by road. The meeting had received a first-hand account of the Extinction Rebellion action in London earlier that day, as part of a talk…
Epping Forest and Enfield Greens team up for Calais refugees
Green Party members and supporters from Enfield and Epping Forest have teamed up to collect urgent supplies for refugees in Calais. Blankets, sleeping bags, gloves, scarves and warm hats are among the items which are desperately needed Dave Plummer, from Epping Forest Green Party, said, “We’ve helped with collections for the Calais Jungle Camp in…
Green candidate for Newmarket by-election
Introducing Alice Haylock I am a local music teacher who cares about the environment and the Newmarket community as a whole. Since moving to Newmarket in 2015 I’ve been involved with several voluntary community projects, such as the Newmarket Music Festival and litter picking along the Yellow Brick Road. My work and social life…
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