Leading the way on climate
Only Greens have a record of speaking up for action strong enough to tackle the climate change emergency.
Social Justice
Greens are passionate about building a country where everyone has a good quality of life.
Our community
Community is at the heart of everything Greens do.
Latest News
Seven candidates in Suffolk
The Greens were the only political party apart from the Conservatives to increase their seat numbers in the Suffolk County Council election on May 4, going from two councillors to three with the wins of Robert Lindsay in South Suffolk and of Elfrede Brambley Crawshaw in Beccles who both took seats from Conservatives. Both these…
Julie Howell stands as Cambridgeshire & Peterborough mayoral candidate
In May 2017 Julie Howell will stand as your Green Party candidate in the first ever Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Combined Authority (CPCA) mayoral election. To do this we need your help! We need to raise the £5,000 deposit, which is what it costs to stand a candidate. This huge financial barrier ensures that usually only…
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