Leading the way on climate
Only Greens have a record of speaking up for action strong enough to tackle the climate change emergency.
Social Justice
Greens are passionate about building a country where everyone has a good quality of life.
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Community is at the heart of everything Greens do.
Latest News
Green Party manifesto leads the way
The Friends of the Earth/Greenpeace have evaluated the main parties’ manifestos and policies, and the results are out! They evaluated the Green, Labour, LibDem, and Conservative manifestos against forty criteria in four groups: Climate and energy, Nature and environment, Homes and transport, and Justice and democracy. The Green Party romped away with first place, scoring…
Stop Ecocide International – choirs from around the world
“Companies cannot be given a licence to spill and kill, provided they clean up the mess” – Michael Mansfield KC. Stop Ecocide International’s conference in Helsinki closed with the “Choirs for Ecocide Law” mega-concert. https://ecocidelawfinland.org https://www.maailma.net/etusivu https://www.stopecocide.earth/choirs?ss_source=sscampaigns&ss_campaign_id=663e4f39b46ea16167d385d6&ss_email_id=66408564e5952f5b3a045391&ss_campaign_name=Singing+to+protect+nature%27s+harmony%21&ss_campaign_sent_date=2024-05-12T09%3A02%3A59Z https://www.stopecocide.earth/songbook?ss_source=sscampaigns&ss_campaign_id=663e4f39b46ea16167d385d6&ss_email_id=66408564e5952f5b3a045391&ss_campaign_name=Singing+to+protect+nature%27s+harmony%21&ss_campaign_sent_date=2024-05-12T09%3A02%3A59Z https://www.stopecocide.earth/guest-blog/ecocide-should-be-prosecuted-in-times-of-peace-as-well-as-conflict Register to enter here – https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_pK_ITQkfRy2f1DH55mmSSQ#/registration Resolution 2546 (2024) – https://pace.coe.int/pdf/21f9b041b0a818df623b90b372e7543a799dbdb13ba904d8c9df52b56a25de5c/res.%202546.pdf Council of Europe parliamentary assembly…
20-26th April: Action Week with Jonathon Porritt
We are thrilled that Jonathon Porritt is visiting us for a week in April to support Adrian’s campaign. Sign up for one or more days to campaign with one of the Green Party’s true legends. Jonathon Porritt is one of Britain’s most eminent writers and environmental campaigners, with a long track record in the Green…
20 April: An evening with Jonathon Porritt
You are invited to an evening with environmentalist, writer and Green Party legend Jonathon Porritt. The evening will raise funds for the Eastern Region Green Party’s campaign to get Adrian Ramsay elected as the region’s first Green MP at the next General Election. The event will take place at the beautiful Abbey Hall, just outside…
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If you are having difficulties signing up to your local party then please email the Eastern Region Membership Secretary: membership@eastern.greenparty.org.uk