Former Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams endorses Catherine Rowett

Rowett, Williams, Caddick - Cambridge - 2019-05-03 at 11-41-40 D3 9317 -

In a statement issued in Cambridge the former Archbishop of Canterbury (pictured here with Catherine Rowett and Jeremy Caddick) said:

“It is harder and harder to pretend that we’re not living in the middle of the most serious environmental crisis in recorded history.  We desperately need people in British and indeed global politics who are not afraid to name this challenge for what it is, and to look at what needs to change in our lives if we are to avoid terrible cost to future generations and to the most vulnerable people of our own generation across the world. 

Catherine Rowett is someone with the honesty, the courage and the clarity to speak out and think hard on these matters, and I sincerely wish there were more like her in our public life.  I have deep confidence in her integrity and vision.”

This is a ringing endorsement of the Green Party lead candidate and speaks of a deep conviction that change is needed in the way politics is done, and that Catherine Rowett as an MEP would be a leader of such change.


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