Green Party Deputy Leader visits Colchester

Womack Colchester

Green Party Deputy Leader Amelia Womack, accompanied by the Green Party Lead candidate in the European Elections, Catherine Rowett, visited Colchester on Tuesday 14thMay.

They met Colchester’s first Green councillor, Mark Goacher, of Castle Ward to highlight issues important to the Colchester electorate, such as air pollution, improving cycling infrastructure and involving residents more in Council decision-making.

Mark Goacher is clear of the direct relationship between the local election win and the campaign to elect Green MEPs in the East.  He says:

“In the local elections the Greens received our biggest ever vote share in Colchester. The people of Colchester are looking for an alternative; they do not feel that their voices are being heard. Voting for the Greens on 23rd May is the way to send that message.”

Catherine Rowett, the lead Green candidate in the European elections, said:

“I am delighted to be able to visit Colchester with our Deputy Leader, Amelia Womack. The Green Party is notable for leading the way on the key issues of our day. We need to work with others across Europe to deliver tax justice, protection for migrants, to uphold the rule of law, and to get to work on the big changes needed to address the climate emergency.  This is our chance to elect a MEP to be a change-maker in Europe.”


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